Canoa Quebrada vs Jeri (25-28/Oct/06)
Praia da Pipa, Brazil
Canoa Quebrada is the not-as-famous-as-Jericoacoara beach 3h away from Fortaleza. It is slightly more built up, the main streets being paved (with flagstones, so it's still got a charming feel to it), and altogether a more "real" feel to it. Jeri felt a bit like an idyllic spot just for tourists (the whole centre is purely hotels, restaurants and shops). That's why I think I prefer Canoa, though there isn't much in it. The town beaches here are nicer than in Jeri, but away from the town Jeri wins hands down. But in Canoa Quebrada the wind is just weak enough to not kick up the sand in your face so you can sunbathe without the pain. Also Canoa Quebradens seem to do a bit more with their lives - there is a circus skills school for the kids, a lot more local artists (one of Jeri's best artshops is in fact a branch of a Canoa artist), and one of the bars was in the process of filming some home-made candid camera which they would show in the evenings. Canoa also has more bars; in fact the nightlife is famous, though we missed out not being there on a weekend.
Anyway, 'nuff said. If you go to Fortaleza try visiting both says I. We had a nice time on the various beaches, and are now down to suncream factor 6! Though I got burned, but this was because I didn't put enough on my face and none at all on my back.
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