Thursday, August 17, 2006

Proper beaches at last! (8-10/Aug/06)

Juangriego, Venezuela

Got to the beach, Puerto Colombia, just before lunchtime after nearly freezing to death in the bus (I think the way Venezuelan's think of it aircon is luxury, so putting it on full blast is mega-luxury). At last a bit of decent, Caribbean, beach. The beaches on the Pacific suck. Well, not much to say. Day 1, afternoon: beach. Day 2: beach. Day 3: "secluded beach" in the morning (s'ok I supposed, but a bit of a walk in the tropical sun for a small patch of sand), beach in the afternoon. Decided the time had come to move on and go to "the best beach in Venezuela".

Oh, and we got our clothes washed in the river by a little old lady. Quaint, but if you ever need your clothes to be washed while abroad, make sure they use a washing machine.


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