Chilling in Mancora (2-7/Jul/02)
Mancora, Peru
Hoorah! The insurance claim (for Esther's bag stolen in Uyuni) has been accepted! Don't know exactly how much we'll get, but they just sent us an email asking for our bank details. This is the kind of stress-free news you need after a hard day's sunbathing and a marathon of hammock swinging.
After arriving we dumped our bags at the nearest hostel and went straight for the beach to catch the last of the afternoon rays. Since then it's been another 4 days of basically the same. Breakfast, beach, failure to rent a surfboard because we were to lazy, lunch, hammock/football (watching only that is)/Internet (researching digital cameras), dinner, after dinner drinks, bed. In the afternoons it's been a bit windy for the beach, but today was fine, so we managed to stay all day until sunset.
Not much else to day apart to mention the dog of our hostel is probably the ugliest dog on the planet. A sort of cross between Gollum and a gremlin.
Haven't even managed to write postcards as there is no post office here (ooops, should have done it earlier) and not even postcards, so no postcards from Peru for the lucky few who get them. Tomorrow we catch the bus to Quito in Ecuador. Miguel (a friend from Madrid & summers in Fuengi) is there working for a few months so we'll crash at his during weekends, and do short excursions during the week.
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